Yet Satan and his host the fallen angels engage in guerrilla warfare. The war is over, Satan was defeated at the cross since penalty was paid for. The war is not in question but that doesn't mean the battles over what I want you to know is that is your position in Christ. There still bullets there still mortars firing and young minister of thigh. The treaty signed the wars over there is guerrilla warfare. You think about the deception thing about really good people with the right intent trying to be loyal to their country and what they've been taught and then my father was fighting on those islands and part of the Japanese culture, especially at the time was it was far better to die than to go back is a coward and so my dad talked about his role as a 50 caliber machine gunner and they wanted to clean up these islands and here's what you need to get the wars over treaty has been signed, but there still fighting before the treaty is signed, bullets, mortars and young men die. He said the Emperor literally went public and just said I am not God. The Emperor was God and he thought he was fighting for a just cause and after the treaty was signed. We became good friends and he said my grandfather was a very very good man and from the time he was a little boy. The Emperor in Japan was thought to be God and us a tour was a professor there in California.

And this is not well known, probably for many of us, but during that era. His grandfather actually fought for the Japanese. The bomb was dropped of the war was completely over, but on multiple islands. But if you know anything about the South Pacific in World War II and it'll date some of you, but there was a treaty signed. I once accidentally said my dad was a former Marine and Marines came up to me and said there are no such thing as former Marines and I have stand corrected. The camaraderie that have been in the respect in the bond that they have. My father was in the South Pacific, Guam, Iwo Jima, get a Purple Heart when I get to be around fellow Marines. How to prepare yourself for spiritual battle. The invisible war just before we get started, encourage you to try using church message notes contain as outlined Scripture references to help you remember what you hear and maybe even share with for a quick download just go to click listen now what you have a Bible heavy open to Ephesians chapter 6 and let's join Chip for his message.

Welcome to this Friday edition of Living on the Edge with gibbering Living on the Edges and international discipleship ministries in the Bible to nature continues a series. You are in a vulnerable dangerous position today on Living on the Edge you learn how to be protected from the wiles of the state. Here's the question what has God provided to protect if you don't know and haven't learned how to put it on. The reality of an invisible war that you're involved in.